
Welcome to Stewardship Driving School

Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
Matthew 25:40





24hr in-person class + 8hr BTW $530.00 (cash discounted price + 2.5% if using a card)

 ***Students MUST have the Drivers Education Program complete within 6 months of starting our in-person class***

8hr Behind-The-Wheel $490.00 (cash discounted price + 2.5% if using a card)

***An 24hr on-line class completion certificate is required*** 

Adult Remedial Course Training agreement click HERE

Once you download and fill out the forms you can drop them off at our office located at 129 S. Main St. Marysville, OH 43064 Our office hours, There is an after hours mail slot on the door.